Wednesday, March 26, 2014

I'm writing about music today because I have been listening to music a lot here lately. I have going through a lot since my break up with my ex who I dated for almost 2 years. Music helps me get rid of my pain sometimes I listen to angry music like waka flocka or i listen to heartbreak songs i dont know why i still think about him so much i guess it's just where we dated for a long time. But I know now that i can live and do better without him. Music helps me alot it explains how i feel and shows my emotions on certain days.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

I Gotta Sneeze.

I hate the feeling you get when you have to sneeze and you can't. I sit there for at least 10-20 minutes trying to sneeze, with my eyes watering and making my body feel wierd. My mom and friends make fun of me because i sit there making wierd faces and they all laugh. I have no clue why I'm writing about this but i jus wanted to.