Friday, February 6, 2015

Some people think being a senior is the most easiest year of high school because you barley have any classes. But coming from me, and being in high school for four years, it really isn't anything what people say it is. Being a senior is hard sometimes i could name alot of times where i bout failed a class and not pass. I remember when I first came to high school as a freshman I was scared and didn't know what to do I walked the halls and didn't know what to think. As I moved along through high school my Sophomore year got hard especially English class, English was my worst subject but it was the teachers who made it easy and their teaching skills. When I got to Junior year I thought I was done and I couldn't do it anymore with all the work and the stress but some how i made it through because of my friends and the way teachers taught the classes. When Senior year got here all I could and would wanna do is cry because knowing the fact that i'm leaving memories and my friends sucks. My favorite part about high school was homecoming week, dressing up all week and Rowdy Rebel Day was always my favorite with the tractor parade and talent show and pep rally's. Football Friday nights will be the most i will miss because i love football and i never missed a game i always cheered every friday night hearing the cannon go off every time we made a touchdown. I have alot of memories in high school but i'll always be a rowdy rebel no matter what!

Friday, January 23, 2015

My Day Today

my day today felt like i was on top of the world.I basically laughed all day long and had a smile every where i went! i just feel like a crazy horse lol!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Secondhand Lions (Hub)

In my journalism(newspaper) class we watched a movie called the Secondhand Lions. Our assignment was to write about one of the uncles. The uncle I decided to write about was hub, hub fought in 2 world wars and he is very blunt. He was in love with this beautiful girl name jasmine when he was young and had to fight to get her back to him before she tried to kill herself. Hub doesn't take no crap from anybody and he doesn't believe in going to the hospital. When these guys started to mess with him, Hub didn't hesitate to literally whoop their butts. I thank we need more men like Hub because doing nothing about something isn't going to solve anything. Plus everyone should respect their elders.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

I'm writing about music today because I have been listening to music a lot here lately. I have going through a lot since my break up with my ex who I dated for almost 2 years. Music helps me get rid of my pain sometimes I listen to angry music like waka flocka or i listen to heartbreak songs i dont know why i still think about him so much i guess it's just where we dated for a long time. But I know now that i can live and do better without him. Music helps me alot it explains how i feel and shows my emotions on certain days.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

I Gotta Sneeze.

I hate the feeling you get when you have to sneeze and you can't. I sit there for at least 10-20 minutes trying to sneeze, with my eyes watering and making my body feel wierd. My mom and friends make fun of me because i sit there making wierd faces and they all laugh. I have no clue why I'm writing about this but i jus wanted to.

Friday, February 21, 2014

WLHS Dance Team

I am writing about WLHS not having a dance team.I think it would be an amazing thing to have even though we already have cheer leading. But that is cheer leading I'm talking about a dance team for guys and girls to dance at football games pep rallys and so on.Brandie and I have interviewed 50 people, mostly teachers and every 50 people we have interviewed has said yes they would love a dance team. They all think it would make the school more entertaining and a fun thing for the students to do. If we have a staff member in charge and controlling it I don't see why we couldn't have a dance team for the students to have fun. We could be creative and have jackets,and outfits.I think it would be fun to have a Rebels dance team everyone would have fun doing it. Mr. Stewart from the science department says "if there is enough people interested and there is a staff member who runs it then he thinks it wouldn't be a bad idea at all. Everybody is interested and wanting to have it and I think it would be an amazing and make the school interesting.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Mrs McCabes Pron Star Hair

The other day in class my teacher Mrs. McCabe told my friend and I that she use to have porn star hair. I didn't know how to react to this at all. So i decided to post this picture up because I didn't want to post a one she showed me. I still don't know how to react to this. I laughed so hard when she told us she use to have porn star hair. She showed me a pic of what it was sorta like. She is the craziest teacher i have ever met in my life I love her to death. There you go Mrs. McCabe.